Ken Hartley-Draw's interpretation of the development
A planning application to build 213 new homes on Causeway Farm in Petersfield is being submitted to East Hampshire District Council this week.
Housing consultants Minimal Integrity have employed the services of aspiring artist Ken Hartley-Draw to provide an interpretation and insight into how the development will look when completed.
Local pressure group, Not In Our Ruddy Field, are up in arms following the release of the image, claiming it provides no useful information and no real clue as to what shape or form the development will ultimately take.
Consultant Phil Fee-Rich, who represents the developer Stack ‘Em High, defended the picture, saying: “We commissioned the artist with a remit to produce the image in the modern style, currently used by all developers, known as impressionistic wishy-wash. It is not intended to give a photographic representation, more a representation.

Phil Fee-Rich's vision
“If one looks carefully, you can see the 15 one-bedroom and 32 two-bedroom apartments, the 53 two-bedroom and 98 three-bedroom and 15 four and five-bedroom homes.
"You can also see the community hall decked out with bunting, allotments being worked by cheery gardeners and people enjoying the riverside walkway, the park, the beautiful picnic area and the glorious orchards.”

Hal Seyan-Days' worst nightmare
Hal Seyan-Days, speaking on behalf of NIORF didn’t seem impressed. “Bollocks” he told us, “All I see is traffic queuing to get onto The Causeway and marauding packs of children clashing around the community centre.
“And wait, what’s that, a few rich men in suits on the horizon, struggling to walk with their large bags of money.”
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