Thursday, May 05, 2011
Petersfield residents now have tunnel vision
After months of digging, workers have finally surfaced at the northern end of the East Havantshire Money Tunnel, see picture above.
The new 14-mile funds pipe is the first joint infrastructure from the merged councils of East Hampshire and Havant, as reported last year by Petersfield Newswire.
The tunnel is designed to suck wealth, funding and investment from the Petersfield area and channel it to Havant, fulfilling a central pledge of the new council's leadership.
Council spokesman Owen Fortunes explained: "With its Northern Portal located immediately outside Barclays, this is a convenient way for people in Petersfield to send their money to Havant without ever having to go there.
"We are confident that local taxpayers will appreciate the way we've spent their money building something that will take even more of their money away."
All money is supposed to spill out at the southern end of the tunnel in Havant town centre, although a man called Keith is understood to have intercepted it under his house in Leigh Park.
I'm going to 'insert' a few copies into the Councillors' Welcome Evening at EHDC this evening and monitor the bemused reactions.