Monday, November 02, 2009

Flood terror hits Petersfield

The scenes of carnage this morning at
Monks Vineyard - contributed picture

The emergency services and local coastguard were mobilised early this morning when a Petersfield woman became concerned at the presence of rising flood-water.

Gwendolyn Ponsonby-Landowner, who lives in Monks Vineyard, said: “I was woken in the night by the tremendous noise generated by the torrential downpour on the lead roofs of the staff cottages.

“I was so concerned an hour later that I woke our chauffeur and sent him out into the garden to see how bad it had got. Shockingly, he reported that the rain had come down so heavily and so quickly that the standing water was rising above the level of our decking.

“After a quick consultation with our insurance broker we were advised to contact the emergency services as we have some very expensive patio furniture and some rare orchids on the decking.

“Fortunately these were airlifted to my husband’s Chelsea flat at the cost of only several thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money. What might have happened if we hadn’t reacted so swiftly doesn’t bear thinking about.

“We’ve already had to cancel a Conservative Party fundraiser we had planned in a marquee this weekend. I’m not sure people in other parts of the country realise how bad it could have been.”

A spokesman for Hampshire Air Ambulance said: “For Christ’s sake…”

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