The snow has reached unprecedented levels ...
unless you're from somewhere other than England
The entire population of Planet Earth has been dramatically cut off from Petersfield by snow.
People the world over hoping to reach the Hampshire town, famed for its long Post Office queue and plans to concrete over land only months after being admitted into the South Downs National Park, have been stopped in their tracks by the sudden adverse weather.
One man had travelled thousands of miles to reach Petersfield, only to fail just outside the town.
He said: "I'd heard about Petersfield's welcoming attitude to heartless property developers like me and was hoping to build 16 starter homes on a small triangle of land I'd identified between the sports centre and the children's playground. Now all that's in doubt because of a jack-knifed lorry near Liss."
On a brighter note, nobody from Bordon can get into the town today.
Ha ha ha - that is rather funny!